The History of Lazarus Day
Lazarus Day and Palm Sunday are some of the most beautiful spring holidays, filled with beauty, flowers and songs of youth and the revival of nature.
Lazaruvation is a spring custom for young girls. A girl who has not been Lazaruvated cannot be married or engaged.
Dressed in beautiful festive clothes, decorated with wreaths of flowers, the lazarki go around all the houses in the village, performing ritual songs and dances.
The songs of the lazarki are magical. There are appropriate lyrics for every age and social status - for children, for girls, for bachelors, for the main professions - shepherds, beekeepers, farmers.
The Lazar girls are greeted with respect by the owners of the houses, who present them with eggs and coins.
And this year, as usual, the girls from the "Viti Gaitani" folk dance club performed lazarus and chanted for health and prosperity.
Enjoy watching!